Monday, March 16, 2009

A Second Chance...

Well as soon as this quest began, it seemed to slip away from me. In fact the sad truth of it is that tonight is the first time I have worked out in any way since my last post.

Last week started out fine, Monday was a night off for me. Tuesday though it began, my daughter caught some bug which had her throwing up all night long. Meaning well I couldn't just go our for a run. Then my wife got it, next my son...and then Friday night was my turn. Whatever it was, it was a killer, was in bed for almost 2 days.

But tonight I got back out there. 2.1 miles at a reasonable pace. I was a little weaker feeling then before, but that is to be expected when you consider that up until today I had only 1 meal since Thursday night. Now having run all that I enjoy really came back to me quickly and the memories of that sickness have faded away.

For tonight's run I listened to the Supersuckers album "The Evil Powers of Rock n Roll" A great chocie for a just plain solid run, not too fast, not too slow...just enought angst to keep you moving!

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