Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Kicks...Kick it Old School!

Okay so I have officially sold out to the Nike corporation. Today I ran with my new Nike shoes combined with the Nike plus sensor transmitting to my iPod. All of this is a bit overwhelming. One issue though, for some reason on the read out of my iPod it displays my run in km while labeling it as miles. So for this run afterwards it displayed 6.46 mi. Now the reality of it is that I ran 4.0 miles and 6.46 km. Yet even more confusing is the whole run it would announce accurate distance markings to me, it would say I have completed 3.0 miles even though the display was showing my distance in km with the mi after it....weird!

Aside from that it seems to be exceedingly accurate. Now for the run, I actually ran past my old high school. Kind of a strange feeling to be honest. I mean hear I was listening to the track I Was Wrong by Social Distortion. Now on one hand, being that I ran Cross Country and Track all 4 years of high school running here kinda felt at home. While it has been many years, the streets are the same and those memories come back real quick. On the other hand running by the school was a bit strange as I passed the doors where I would sneak out to smoke during the school days. Honestly this is the first time I have gone past the school as a non-smoker since back then. Not really sure how to describe it, but I am sure an ex-smoker would be able to relate somewhat.

Anyway, I listened to the album White Light, White Heat, White Trash... by Social Distortion and quickly realized why this has been one of my all time favorite albums for so long. This was the perfect running album, I was able to immerse myself in it completely....I am pretty sure there was even a bit of air guitar and air drumming in the middle of my run too!

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