Friday, March 20, 2009

If Barbossa is Hungery, Call Me Captain Hector Barbossa!

Okay so today was a long day. My legs are still a bit sore from Wednesday's extended session of Karate forms. My son is sick. One would think that going out for a run on this extremely brisk night would be the last thing I wanted to do when the opportunity to sleep or do anything I wanted was available. Yet there was nothing I wanted to do more. 

So as I stepped out and put my headphones on, I cued up something a little different then my usual on the ipod. I put on the Soundtrack to Pirates of the Caribbean (the 1st one). Now despite the fact that this is far from my normal genres of music this is by far one of my favorite albums. It is exceedingly emotional music and I love it! So as I am running the track "Barbossa's Hungry" comes on. I realize that I too am hungry, I am hungry to continue running. Not just today, but for as long as I am able to. Over the past 10 years, as weight went on, muscle got lost, and lung capacity disappeared I have made several attempts at working out....or at least getting in shape. Those all failed because I didn't really want it. Yeah maybe a quick path to losing a couple pounds would be good, but there was no real drive to be better.

Something changed this past year. Maybe it is my kids getting older, maybe it is me getting older. Maybe the realization that I am not 20 anymore and things are more permanent now. Like smoking, that was once a vice, but lately it was a full blown part of me. I want to be around. I want to walk with my kids through Disney World for as long as I I want to walk around Disney World with my grand kids. This time working out is for me. It is my time to better myself and that is just what I am doing!

As for my music today, Prates is a phenomenal album for running! Barbossa's Hungry is an absolute perfect track to throw on when you need to really dig deep inside to keep going, and let us not forget the pinnacle of the album He's a Pirate, all  can say is that when that track came on timed perfectly with the end of my 2 mile run I found myself in an all out sprint, and it felt really great!

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