Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Now were getting somewhere!

Okay, I know yesterday was my first run in a week and I should take it easy to day. But today the weather was absolutely gorgeous. I felt great! Plus, prior to my sick week, I had charted out a full 3 mile course that I had been dying to try. 

So I did. I ran 3 miles in under 30 minutes. Now for any experienced runner I am sure this accomplishment sounds pretty weak. But now let me just say that this is without a doubt the longest distance I have run without walking since 1998, that's 11 years. So for me to run 3 miles without walking is a huge accomplishment, then tie in the fact that I ran just under 10 minute miles....well it feels pretty darn good.

A little course planning advice that I learned the hard way though. Think about the streets in reality. On the map everything is flat. I failed to realize that the course I mapped out was pretty much 1.5 miles downhill, ending with 1.5 miles uphill. Not ideal, certainly not for someone in my condition.

And finally on the ipod tonight was the album Scandinavian Leather by Turbonegro. While I don't think this will be a running favorite of mine, it is very consistent, and I found it easy to escape into letting me forget that yes this last mile is all uphill. I did at the very end need a little boost so I quickly threw on the track New Dark Ages by Bad Religion.

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