Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Choosing a master?

As a guitarist one of my favorite movies of all time is Crossroads. In the beginning of the movie we find our hero being reprimanded by his instructor at a privileged classical music school. Here he is in trouble because while tending to his classical studies he also has an interest in the blues. The words from his instructor were simply "don't serve two masters". His point was simple, you cannot excel at one thing if you do not put everything into it.

Now, I see a good point in that, but I also choose to defy it. I am also serving two masters. For right now I stand here with the goal of completing the 2011 Disney Marathon. However there is another goal for me. If I stay on course 2011 will also be the year I test for and receive my black belt in karate.

One one hand I don't see a problem with this at all, as I am merely getting my black belt and merely completing the marathon. I am not winning the marathon. But at the same time I find it a little strange that this fat old man could possibly complete two lofty goals in the same year. I mean while there are tons of people who run marathons, completing one is still a huge thing that the majority of the population will never come close to achieving, as is receiving a black belt in karate.

Currently I see it as a blessing. Last week it was raining and snowing all week, however I could take a few extra karate classes to get a decent weeks workout in. And the two compliment each other well. Karate does not leave me too drained to run and running doesn't not leave me too drained to go to karate. Further more the added flexibility I receive from karate definitely aids me in my running.

So yeah I serve two masters, and yeah I will get my black belt, and I will complete a marathon...

1 comment:

  1. So, I'm the first ever to comment on the new Pipes running blog, eh? I'm surprised. PT put me on to your trail, passing along your url. Surely he would have commented on all the writing done here. At any rate, I'll be the first. I'm in! I've been toying with the idea of marathoning for a while now. Back in college, I ran a half-marathon and actually just used that experience for a sermon not too long ago. I'll have to post the sermon on my blog (http://hauptben.blogspot.com/). At any rate, your mentioning of Crossroads led me to think about great running movies that we really need to be watching if we're going to do this. I recommend "Chariots of Fire". The greatest line from the movie and perhaps one of the greatest lines ever spoken by mankind is when Eric says, "When I run, I feel God's pleasure." Wow! Here we come Disney 2011!
